Art in the News

News and articles and research about the arts in business, schools and in the community.

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Artists Liven Up a Children's Hospital With Vibrant Murals, Thus Making Our Day

Artists Liven Up a Children's Hospital with Vibrant Murals, Thus Making Our Day - As you're probably well aware, hospitals tend not to be the most visually enticing of spaces, especially for kids.

More Evidence Favoring Art-Based Learning of STEM

More Evidence Favoring Art-Based Learning of STEM - the "Learning and the Brain" conference in San Francisco last week, neuroscientists and researchers explored the basic idea that "Brain Science (could be used) to Boost Memory, Thinking and Learning." Many of the speakers seemed to be saying that there are a number of ways to engage young people and enhance learning:

Study indicates arts work for challenged schools

Study indicates arts work for challenged schools - Injecting more arts into the school day has resulted in better attendance and behavior, and slightly better math and reading scores for eight struggling schools around the country,


In the UAE's year of innovation, don't forget the arts

In the UAE's year of innovation, don't forget the arts - This year has been officially declared the Year of Innovation in the UAE.  Near the end of 2014, the Government launched the National Innovation Strategy that aims to make the country one of the world's most innovative nations within seven years...

Why Fallings Arts Attendance Has Major Implications for the US Economy

Why Fallings Arts Attendance Has Major Implications for the US Economy - The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) has released a set of three studies of unprecendented scope into arts engagement and its economic impact in the United States.

100 Schools to Pilot Core Curriculum for the Arts

100 Schools to Pilot Core Curriculum for the Arts- Time and again, studies have shown the importance of integrating arts into the curriculums of grade schools.

How Integrating Arts Into Other Subjects Makes Learning Come Alive

How Integrating Arts Into Other Subjects Makes Learning Come Alive - Art has long been recognized as an important part of a well-rounded education — but when it comes down to setting budget priorities, the arts rarely rise to the top. Many public schools saw their visual, performing and musical arts programs cut completely during the last recession, despite the many studies showing that exposure to the arts can help with academics too. A few schools are taking the research to heart, weaving the arts into everything they do and finding that the approach not only boosts academic achievement but also promotes creativity, self-confidence and school pride.

Federal Anaylsis: Arts,Culture Add $700B to US Economy

Federal Anaylsis: Arts, Culture Add $700B to US Economy- Creative industries including Hollywood and broadcasting contribute more to the U.S. economy then previously thought,

NAMTA's Partners in Art