Fact of the Week # 26

Fact of the Week

Fact of the Week #26: Support Comes in Many Forms - In additin to funding there are several ways in which states can support high-quality arts education.  A recent report fromt he Arts education Partnership offers a snapshot of the different policies states have adopted to support arts education. 

•   Core Academic Subject: 27 states define the arts as a “core” or “academic” subject, consistent with federal policy, which puts the arts on equal footing with other core subjects considered essential to a well-rounded education.

•   State Standards: 49 states and the District of Columbia define what elementary and secondary students should know and be able to do after receiving instruction in the arts. In addition, 44 states and the District of Columbia have adopted art standards for early childhood education.

•   Instructional Requirements: Most of the states that have adopted art standards also regulate instruction: 45 states define instructional requirements for elementary and middle schools, and 44 states do so for high schools.

•   High School Graduation Requirements: 25 states and the District of Columbia include the arts in graduation requirements.

•   Assessment and Accountability: 17 states require assessments of students learning the arts.

•   Teacher Requirements: 43 states and the District of Columbia require classroom teachers to complete coursework or demonstrate knowledge of the arts to receive certification or licensure, and 34 states and the District of Columbia specify arts requirements for non-arts teachers. www.ncsl.org

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